The Power of Proactive Health: Why wait until you are injured or unwell? Take charge now for improved quality of life and wellbeing

Can anyone else feel it? The immense fatigue, lowered resilience, general anxiety and constant stress levels among our community? As a Physiotherapist who sees hundreds of clients within our clinics each week, it is hard to avoid the reality that many of us are struggling. Whether it is a result of our pressured lifestyle, after the pandemic, or our new normal….it is concerning.  How can we rise above this feeling of wading through mud?


The answer is not so complicated, but often feels impossible to do. Prioritising care of yourself.


  • Prioritising movement.

  • Prioritising nourishment.

  • Prioritising rest.

  • Carving little moments of space into your day to fill your own cup.


In today's fast-paced world, it's all too easy to overlook the importance of proactive health management. Many of us live our lives on autopilot, only seeking medical attention when our bodies are screaming at us- when we are unwell or injured. We pay for health insurance with the hope of never needing it.

But what if you use your cover to protect your future? By taking the steps to care for yourself before you have no choice to, you can enhance your quality of life, boost your energy levels, elevate your mood and improve your overall wellbeing. Not only can you feel better right now, but you are future proofing your health to avoid chronic illness and injury as you age.


Many of us have our own GP- but do you have your own Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist? Having a team of professionals to assist you to feel your best can multiply the benefits of your efforts ten-fold. And there's compelling evidence to support these claims.


Quality of Life


Quality of life is a holistic concept encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Engaging in regular exercise, has been shown to have a profound impact on mental and physical health. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, enhance mood, and increase overall well-being. For example, a systematic review published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine in 2019 found that both aerobic and resistance exercise interventions were effective in reducing symptoms of depression.


When combined with personalized physiotherapy care, which addresses physical limitations and discomfort, the improvement in well-being becomes even more pronounced. Feeling physically capable and pain-free positively influences your psychological state, contributing to an improved quality of life.


Length of Life


Evidence also strongly supports the idea that being proactive about your health can extend your lifespan. Regular exercise is a key factor in this equation. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2018, which analyzed data from over 122,000 participants, found a clear link between increased physical activity levels and a reduced risk of premature death. Those who engaged in regular physical activity had a lower risk of dying early from various causes, including heart disease and cancer.


Your personal Exercise Physiologist can work with you to create an exercise plan tailored to your individual needs and goals, maximizing the benefits of exercise for your longevity. By adopting a proactive approach to physical fitness, you're not just adding years to your life; you're adding life to your years.


Energy Levels


Regular exercise, especially when designed with your specific needs in mind, has been shown to increase energy levels. Research published in the journal Psychological Bulletin in 2006 indicated that exercise can combat fatigue and boost energy, even among individuals with chronic conditions.


Nutrition is also key to fulfilling your body’s needs, with improved gut health being shown to reduce inflammation and pain, improve depression and anxiety and positively impact hormonal health in women.


Mood and Wellbeing


Exercise's positive impact on mental health is well-documented. In addition to reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, exercise can enhance mood, reduce stress, and improve overall psychological well-being. Studies have shown that regular physical activity leads to the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, promoting feelings of happiness and relaxation.


Moreover, exercise can enhance cognitive function, improving memory, concentration, and creativity. It can also boost self-esteem and body image, contributing to greater overall life satisfaction. When you feel physically capable and pain-free, your mental health benefits immensely.


So if you are struggling to feel your best, wanting to feel stronger, mentally clear and reduce the risk of injury and illness, book in an appointment to speak to us today. With our longer appointment times and experienced practitioners, we are trained to assist our patients to better health even despite any active injury or pain.


Take charge of your health! Your body and mind will thank you for it.


Embody Movement is dedicated to improving the wellbeing of our community. We offer:



Exercise Physiology

Nutrition (contact Christine Smith here)

Exercise classes (Pilates, seniors strength and fitness, strength training and falls prevention)

Yoga therapy.

 If you are looking to start moving more and do not know where to start, we offer an Exercise Physiology Kick Start Pack including 3 private consults in our new gym spaces. Call us for more info.

Call to book your first appointment on 07 5337 9853 or book online here

Rachel Morgan-Varlow