FIFA 11+ injury prevention program for kids

The importance of warming up prior to playing sport has been well documented but is it often difficult to know what exactly a warmup should include, especially when it comes to your kids. New research has shown that the old school warmups of performing several stationary stretches is inadequate in warming up the body, preventing injuries or improving performance.

 To address this deficiency the FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre in 2016 designed FIFA 11+ warm up in both a kid and adult version to prevent injury and improve your performance. FIFA 11+ is a sport specific warm up which consists of 3 components.

  1. Slow-speed running exercises coupled with active and partner stretching.

  2. Core and leg strength exercises, along with balance, plyometrics, and agility exercises.

  3. Moderate/high speed running exercises integrated with cutting and pivoting movements.

Current research with more than 4,000 kids (age range: 7-12) has shown that those teams practising the FIFA 11+ Kids as a warm-up have a 50% reduction in injuries rates. This reduction can be further extrapolated to show a

  • 31% reduction in match injuries

  • 40% reduction in training injuries

  • 41% reduction in lower extremity

  • 55% reduction in overall non-contact injuries

  • And 56% reduction in severe injuries

The FIFA 11+ program should be implemented as a standard warm-up prior to matches training session at least twice a week. Correct technique should always try to be achieved where possible and if any exercises cause you any pain, please cease that exercise immediately and consult your physiotherapist at your earliest convenience.  For a copy of the infographics and a more in-depth explanation of the warmup please follow the links below.



Rachel Morgan-Varlow